This weekend, an amazing event took place… Play NYC!

The family that dives together... thrives together!

The family that dives together... thrives together!

Over 160 indie game developers came together to show our work and it was a jubilant crowd. The room was packed with people on both days and we had our youngest ever player stop by!

Baby VR face!

Baby VR face!


We saw game developers we knew like MaryMartha, who created the Ultimate Clapback- a fast paced, hilarious social card fame, and we met new friends, like the team behind Unicornelia- a game that the Killer Snails crew particularly enjoyed!

Jessica felt quite sparkly as a unicorn!

Jessica felt quite sparkly as a unicorn!

One of the best aspects of the weekend was the sense of community that permeates the NYC indie game scene. Everyone was eager to share their work, offer feedback and we played a lot of new games like Host VR, Radical Spectrum (currently running a Kickstarter campaign!)  and Wicked Apples.

Our game designer, Noelle Posadas, was interviewed on Twitch (watch her starting at 1:11 here!) along with loads of other great designers and we were lucky to be near the stage to see the interviews. Highly recommend watching all of them to get the backstory on these games and learn how to play.

We owe a HUGE thank you to Dan, Peri and the Playcrafting crew- these incredible people put so much hard work into finding a beautiful venue and filling it with fantastic game-loving people.

The whole Killer Snails team is already excited for next year’s Play NYC because NYC makes awesome games!

Chris and Yuliya setting up before the first people entered Play NYC

Chris and Yuliya setting up before the first people entered Play NYC