Last night we had the opportunity to pitch on Springboard Enterprises Dolphin Tank!

Jessica in mid-pitch

Springboard Enterprise is a fantastic organization that offers unique events on topics useful to founders.  The Dolphin Tank events give founders the opportunity to practice pitching and receive feedback in a friendly environment. We were incredibly fortunate to have the chance to pitch at Davis Wright Tremaine law firm and we were given great feedback by the panelists: Amy Millman, President of Springboard Enterprises; Heather Myers, Strategist Spark No. 9; Kay Koplovitz, Co-Founder & Chairman, Springboard Enterprises andManaging Partner, Springboard Growth Capital; and Jisoo Kim, Associate, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. 

Not only did each of these women offer thoughtful feedback, but we also met many other fantastic people in the audience and we plan to continue these conversations!