We are thrilled to announce Killer Snails is now fully funded!

For those of you who have supported us, please know that we are incredibly grateful for your support. You've helped us make our dreams a reality! 

We can't wait for you to share photos of you playing this strategic deck-building game very soon!

And for those of you considering supporting us, we are adding a new stretch goal! 

If we reach $15,000 in fundraising, every donor, new and prior, who has given at the $25 level or above will receive a 3D printed Killer Snail from Dr. Mandë Holford's laboratory! (Note: no venom in the 3D printing mixture- totally safe!)

Please visit our Kickstarter page and if you like what you see, consider pledging. And if you're feeling extra generous, please share with your friends!

 Received a 3D print of this cone snail shell from the AMNH collection. Photo D. Finnin.Received a 3D print of this cone snail shell from the AMNH collection. Photo D. Finnin.