EdLab staff asked great questions
EdLab staff asked great questions

We were incredibly fortunate to have the chance to show our beta version of BioDive at Columbia’s EdLab. EdLab is a research, design, and development unit at Teachers College, Columbia University. EdLab envisions and pilots knowledge projects for a fundamentally different education sector that is attuned to the emerging post-industrial world. EdLab engages in work that has the potential to contribute to the improvement of educational institutions today and the broader evolution and reconfiguration of future educational services.

Jessica happily describes the Killer Snails difference!
Jessica happily describes the Killer Snails difference!


About 30 people came to hear Jessica and Lindsay talk through the way we are developing our virtual reality experiences and the associated activities. We discussed our end goal, what we've created to date and how we were getting user feedback from both students and teachers on a semi-weekly basis. 

Lindsay describes our playtesting
Lindsay describes our playtesting


The Ed Lab staff filmed our presentation and shared it here:


Please watch and let us know what you think!