This May team Killer Snails was invited to play test our latest science game at the New York Hall of Science and join in their massive STEM Expo along with some of the most exciting organizations in New York City!

Students play Biome Builder outside the Connected Worlds Exhibit @ NYSCI  during the STEM Expo


Learners young and old took turns building biomes within the exciting new exhibit, Connected Worlds.

KS Consultant Jenny Lam looks on as students play Biome Builder with Designer Noelle Posadas and Co-Founder Jessica Ochoa Hendrix


Players used carrion to steal coveted cards from siblings, friends and parents, built food chains in the Sahara Desert, Amazon Rainforest, American Plains, and the Pacific Ocean, and used strategy in enacting invasive species cards to force opponents to stop their stacks.

Q & A About Game Design by High School Students @ the STEM Expo at NYSCI


Museum staff were on hand to get in on the fun and now we’re ready to kickstart this exciting new game so that you too can join in the fun.