The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), New York District Office, named Jessica Ochoa-Hendrix, Mandë Holford and Lindsay Portnoy of Killer Snails LLC  as the 2018 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Recipients of the Year!

We were thrilled to receive this honor! The full press release can be found here, and here are a few more pictures of us at the ceremony at Times Square.

Mandë, Jessica and Lindsay were delighted to accept this honor

Mandë, Jessica and Lindsay were delighted to accept this honor!

The ceremony was wonderful and included honors for companies that we knew already like the Charter School Business Management (Jessica has known these great folks for 9 years now!) and  companies we met for the first time like Incausa, a small social enterprise that acts as a pro bono mediator for Indigenous productions, connecting their trade to the international market without profit share.